When Alice asked if she could share IN with her co-workers at the hospital I almost fell out of my chair with nervous excitement. A small group is going to read IN, my first book, and discuss it. What I’d give to be a fly on that wall. Following is the gist of my conversation with Alice the following day at breakfast.
A: Thank you for sharing IN. I have a book review both male and female! About 8 of us all together, mostly nurses and our Manager. The reading was very interesting ~ what verses people liked. Wow! So revealing and discussions. IN certainly sparked a lot of conversation and at times intense discussion. It seemed like such a simple book, yet it brought out such passion amongst us.
People were fired up with such different views ~ very revealing of their character. In the end it brought us together. I see many changes big and small in our group. Reading IN together and talking about how it made us feel somehow brought us closer together. I see people being kinder to each other, kinder to their patients and going out of their way to help each other. Several of them cried. It was so good to hear one male say I’m going to go home and be nice to my wife. Our manager who used to be mean, and sarcastic, now smiles and actually talks to us. I hope this lasts ~ all from reading your book.
IN has been shared with a myriad departments in various businesses. In each department that read and shared IN we see greater empathy amongst the participants.
When I sat down to write it I earned to say more than the verses convey and perhaps touch a few hearts.
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