Meditation is the act of remaining still, relaxing your body and, allowing your mind to float free. While your body relaxes your mind floats deep into your being and bonds with your spirit. In Meditation your mind unwinds, your muscles let go of tension, your bones turn to silly putty and your spirit luxuriates in its soul skin.
Ten-minute refresher:
Sit, stand, kneel, or lie down, but get your body in a comfortable position. You will have to remain still, i.e not move a muscle for ten minutes.
Once you have found your spot, swallow any spit you may have in your mouth and begin with the relaxing breath from how to breathe.
Allow your eyes to gently close like you are going to sleep.
Start at the top your head.
Allow the top of your head to relax through three deep breaths.
Move your focus to the right side of your head.
Allow the right side of your head to relax through three deep breaths.
Move to the back of your head.
Allow the back of your head to relax through three deep breaths.
Move to the left side of your head.
Allow the left side of your head to relax through three deep breaths.
Move to your forehead.
Allow your forehead to relax through three deep breaths.
In this manner spiral through every part of your body working your way down to your feet. If a part of your body does not feel relaxed after three breaths move on. Relaxing something further down the line may hold the key to the tension. If saliva pools in your mouth gently open your throat and allow the saliva flow down into your belly. DO NOT SWALLOW. DO NOT CLEAR YOUR THOAT.
Do not get discouraged if you fall asleep, or if your mind wanders and you get lost as you descend down your body.
Meditation is practice, and practice makes perfect.
This meditation leaves your body fresh and your mind clear. This meditation is a healthy substitute for coffee. I use this form of meditation daily in the morning.
Meditation II
Lie down on your back or sit upright in a comfortable position. Your spine should be as straight as possible and your shoulders relaxed.
If you are sitting make sure your head rests comfortably on your spine. Most people tend to lean forward. Pull you head back and onto your spine.
Through out this meditation use the energizing breath.
Swallow any spit you may have in your mouth.
Allow you eyelids to drop closed.
Visualize you body as any empty coke bottle and let it fill up with a golden amber fluid.
Breath deep.
Float down through you neck past your heart and into your belly.
Settle in your belly and breathe like this for the rest of the meditation.
On inhale focus your mind on a part of your body that is tense and will it to relax into the golden fluid. On exhale allow the tension to float through the golden fluid and out of the whole body. Do this till your entire body is relaxes.
Breathe and let your mind sink as deep as it can into the golden fluid.
This meditation will recharge your batteries and energize your mind.
I use this form of meditation before I under take a strenuous mental task.
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